Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dan in Space: How Comic Book Apps Give Independent Developers an Edge

comic books are great collectibles for decades. More than a few hundred fans, or even thousands of them gather dust in their attics or basements. Many collectors are genuine fans, others are in it for the money. Many individuals who grew up reading comics have tried their hand at creating their own versions of superhero action adventure story.
, while creating your own comic book and finding a publisher to buy it can be a long shot for most people, the technology is fixed, where talented artists can submit their comic creations to the masses without having to go through the publisher.
Comic book fans are just as music lovers and film buffs. They want their content on the road, and they want it immediately. Thanks to Smartphone technology, it's so easy to download the graphic novel as it is to grab your favorite songs.
Whether you prefer action adventure or sci-fi concept art, comics Android apps are a click away. While this is great for the fans, it's also welcome news for independent developers. Graphic artists can now get their comics in the hands of fans around the world, without having to sell a publisher on the concept without having to go through the traditional methods of self-publishing.
For example, sci-fi thriller, Day of the area, which is available as an Android app, the product of months of work by independent comic SF developer. No Android app market, leader of the Squirrel Master Studios to his season pitching action adventure comic book publishers. Instead, within days of listing the app in the Android Market, cartoons from around the world are downloading the app.
the story behind the Squirrel Master Studios is not an isolated incident. Cartoons and comics developers worldwide create digital masterpieces that are downloaded in a variety of app markets. While brick and mortar stores can be stocked with Marvel Comics, as of yet, the digital market for sci-fi comic books as the day the space is still wide open.
Whether you want to draw comics, or read, Droid strip applications to provide a suitable platform. Inexpensive to buy or develop a digital action adventure comic book market was wide open.


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