Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Fell in Love With a Laptop

Eee - a strange name, is not it? White, about the size of pills, and people tend to feel a tad loved up (thus, at least, if not by everyone else) ... Actually, I think I can see why it is now called Asus.
Or maybe there should have been unspoken "BA tire!" at the end of it? After all, could easily be forgiven for saying such a thing after a quick play with this impressive little gadget - I certainly did not, and I'm not even from Yorkshire
But what exactly am I talking about, some of you will be asking (if you clicked on a link)? And those who already know they will probably be wondering why I'm going on about something that is as old news.
Well, another week was the first time that I finally got my hands on one. It was love at first sight. Well, for me anyway, Eee, on the other hand, remained silent modes
Like anyone else with half an interest in computers I've been reading about the Eee PC's price significantly, pocket-sized charm months. Cheap, portable, stripped down to essentials, loads quickly and mercifully without windows (if desired), it sounded just the thing to write in cafes, in touch while abroad, tapping away at the time of a long train journey - all the things that should be easy with a larger laptop, but just did not, unless you've got a few grand to spare. Even one of the main drawbacks mentioned in reviews - dinky keyboard - sounded like a positive for me (my hands are not the largest). I want one, I want one, I want one !!!.
It is another disadvantage that have always been put off, though: the lack of storage space. Well, no DVD drive, either, but it can easily be got around. And since it mainly going to be using the Eee for word processing, browsing and general net-based things, maybe even a lack of memory is not a big problem. Besides, I knew I would like it to store music. Maybe even a photo. Maybe the next model would be one, it was just the Eee 700 that I was trying it out:
Enter, the first May, Eee 900
slightly larger than the Eee 700 which is sent to flutter through his wallet, and slightly more expensive, but now with 20GB of storage space (the Linux version), twice the RAM, better camera, and multi-touch touchpad for improved navigation, Eee 900 sounds almost perfect.
One of the recent lack of remains: batteries. Unplugged, the new Eee will last about 2.5 hours - less than 700th Perhaps, then, for 329 pounds, I actually would be better getting a cheap full-spec laptop, with - most likely - the same battery life? Or even just getting cheaper Eee 700?
I still have not decided. But maybe I will not have to.
At the end of next month, another Eee model will go on sale - use Intel's Atom processor for power saving. This time, it can be a complete package. I can not wait!


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