Friday, May 6, 2011

Recycle Franking Machine Cartridges: How to Earn Money and Go Green by Recycling

Recycling is one of the most important ways to reduce carbon dioxide and gives you the feeling of going green. In particular, the recycling of electrical items and gadgets helps you leave a lasting impact on the planet Earth a favor.
Here are some interesting facts about recycling electrical goods in the UK:
    Electrical Goods fastest growing waste in the UK, growing by 5% each year 75% of waste electronics end up in landfills The duration of 1 UK citizen 3.3 tonnes of electronics waste has been created! In the UK the amount of electrical waste we create in one year would fill the new Wembley Stadium 6 times! 150 000 double-decker buses worth of electrical and electronic waste thrown away in Britain every year. £ 36,000,000 worth of aluminum is thrown away each year. 15 million mobile phones are upgraded in the UK each year, laid from end-to-end would come from John O'Groats to Lands End! Current UK recycling is estimated to save more than 18 million tons of CO2 per year. burning 10,000 tons of waste creates one job. Land for charging the same amount creates six jobs, but recycling it creates 36! plastic bags and other plastic waste thrown into the ocean even kill one million sea creatures every year. More than 55 million printers go to UK landfill each year by the UK Association remanufacture cartridges. This means that if everyone in the UK recycle printer cartridges and get paid an average of 50p, consumers can claim share of around 27.5 million pounds by recycling their inkjet and toner cartridges.
Empty franking machine cartridges have a large share of the inkjet cartridges that go into landfills each year. Therefore, recycling cartridges franking machine means that not only can you earn some money, but also help save the environment. There are some companies in the UK who are paying customers money when they recycle ink franking machine. They also arrange free pick-up to collect empty cartridges franking machine. Even if your shot is not worth any money, they happily recycle them for free.
the current difficult Financial Times requires of us not only save the environment by reducing our carbon, but also earn some money by selling our old electrical goods.


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