Friday, May 6, 2011

Top 5 Tech Gadgets for Your Holiday Shopping List

Every home buyer has at least one super exclusive irritable on their list. What to buy the self-proclaimed tech nerd? Also, what would be more annoying than buying something that that person is - for them - the technological equivalent of the wheel carved out of stone? In other words, do not go rushing out to buy this person Palm Pilot.
There are five big technology trends for 2010.
Trend One: The Tablet PC
Tablet PCs are essentially laptops that have keyboards and incorporate touch-screen instead of a mouse. critical difference is that tablet PC - I think IPAD and lesser-known Samsung Galaxy Tab - are designed as consumers of content rather than content producers. They are beautiful displays, wireless connectivity, are very portable, and (in the case of IPAD) have plenty of entertainment applications. You can use your IPAD as TV, to browse the Internet, play games, and even map out the stars above you at night. But sending an e-mail or write letters to the almost impossible.
Trend two: E-readers
into a space comparable to the size of print book covers, e-reader could potentially contain thousands of books, limited only by memory capacity. While the unit cost of more than one book, electronic texts are generally cheaper. Since August 2009, there were more than 2 million free ebooks available for download. Before you rush out and buy E-Reader, ask yourself two important questions:

    Does the person I am buying this gift for really read? Where will this person do most of his reading?
If the answer is that the recipient can read it in the open, "buy the Amazon Kindle.
Trend Three: 3-D TV
3-D TV debut this year, and many insiders believe that the tech 3-D will help the late adopters finally buy high-definition television. As all the above trends, there are several things to consider.

    Does the person you're considering buying a TV like 3-D movies? If you are the type of person who gets motion sickness from watching these films on the big screen, they probably will not be the target audience for this technology. How many people are buying this TV? If the whole family, you will need to purchase additional 3-D glasses. It is also important to remember that the 3-D glasses are machine specific, Panasonic 3-D Blu-ray player will only work with the Panasonic 3-D glasses. So, do not invite your friends over to watch 3-D movie if he sporting a pair of Samsung 3-D glasses. Glasses are not cheap - budget about $ 150/pair. What brand of TV you should buy?
Trend Four: Smartphones
smartphones are everywhere. If you are part of the minority who watch commercials, you'll notice that almost every commercial is a commercial for a smartphone or smart phone services. The two most important things to consider are operating system and the carrier, because not all created equal. You'll need to think about what your carrier currently has a tech friend and whether they are satisfied with the service. If you know your carrier and know that they want to stay there, then you have to look at phones that only work on that network. Apple iPhone, for example, is currently only available on Sprint network.
Trend Five: Video on demand
that you have an LCD, LED or plasma TV, the real question is whether you are connected to a TV for your home Internet connection. Then you can basically use your giant screen for surfing the Internet, watch TV shows on YouTube or YouTube or stream movies through Netflix devices such as Blu-ray player.


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