Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are You A Brain-Eating Gadget Zombie?

It's hard to imagine now, but only slightly more than ten years ago we had a Play Station or iPod, no one uses the internet or even had access to it, no one has heard of Twitter, the iPad was unthinkable, and our mobile phones are were so large you can use them as a dumbbell when not talking about them. Now fast forward to 2011, and our computers are super powerful (though never strong enough) we can cram enough technology to lead Cruise Missile (obviously) in game consoles, and we can have a gadget in your pocket that are no bigger than a matchbox that hold 1000's of songs.

So where do we go from here? I think the gadgets get cooler every year, both in design and function, no one could have imagined in 2000, the smooth lines of iPhone 3 amazing market like this, but it is certain that things are as cool as they are going to get? So the poor designers and engineers unfortunately have to find a way to make things cooler and more interesting, because it is the only way companies are doing for the products they can sell enough to pay your salary!

They can not just sit back on our laurels and admire how beautiful their latest creation, because we will not get bored with it in about 3 days when we find pictures showing the commercials is not really what life is like when you buy latest and greatest gadget, and then we start lusting over the next shining object that will come out. Basically, we all turned into zombies gadget, only to have any new gadget, suck the life out of it, and then move on to the next as quickly as possible.

How many gadgets do you have in your house now that you think are going to revolutionize your life, but it turned into an expensive and looks good dust collectors? If you want to save money and stop the chase after the next adrenaline rush, then you have to really think about why you buy the latest version of the gadget, especially if you have an old version that you were perfectly happy with the ads on TV has come to tell you how horrible it was and how you need to upgrade.

, but I'm sure that as you read this on your IPAD and listen to music pumped through its fashionable pink iPod from your more trendy pink speaker then you're already thinking about the next gadget that you can buy. Unfortunately, we are all zombies gadget now, and it will only get worse.


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