Friday, April 16, 2010

The Best Open Source Gadgets

The advantages of open source gadgets are obvious: since anyone can change the original software are improved constantly community and the vast majority of open source programs are free.

Being free is a huge advantage sometimes you, the computer owner wants to make a simple, one job, such as editing a document or picture, and you do not want to spend a small fortune to do so is a free open source programs are your best friends.
Most open source gadgets were initially designed for Linux owners, but lately more and more open source gadgets have been developed for Windows. In this article I will tell you about the best gadgets for Windows users.

free and open-source software that you should use are: web browsing - Mozilla Firefox, video player and video podcasting: Miro, instant messaging: Pidgin, e-mail - Mozilla Thunderbird, RSS: RSSOwl, peer-to-peer filesharing: Cabos And video player - Media Player Classic, DVD ripping and video conversion - Media Coder, word processing suites -, podcasting: Juice, sound recording: Audacity, Paint.NET photo editing, FTP - Filezilla.

I'm currently using: for writing and managing documents, FileZilla FTP for links, Paint.NET for working with graphics and Thunderbird for reading and writing e-mail.
No aspect of open source gadgets that have as many features as paid ones, after all you get them for free.

Known as open source Google Desktop Gadgets such as Google-breaker (Never lose your strength always tell you how much charge is left). Google's calculator (Calculator gadget for Google Desktop), Google-cricket-news (Displays cricket news and images), Google's cricket video (the same as the previous one just to show video on your desktop), Google-desktop-sdk (Complete examples of using Google Desktop Gadget API) Google-digital-clock (one of my favorite desktop gadgets, it's obvious what it does: it shows the time, but in a nice way), Google-flower-pot (it is a virtual flower pot, which will grow into full bloom right before your eyes, if vamcvijeće little water using a mouse, like the old game Tamagoci), Google-moon-phase (showing the current moon phase) and Google-zone (Find out how many hours in different places).

For now the most used software they are paid, but free open source ones are coming fast from behind. Every day, communities of developers working on them for us to have a better experience and free programs .


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