Friday, April 16, 2010

The Unknown Addiction - Machines-Gadgets

Everyone has an addiction these days. new, without which we can not spend a single day. Starting from the first hour after you wake up, until the last hour while we go to bed, we became lovers of these machines
Once upon a time we do not even know whether they can be built. Today it is only a few minutes, whatever, you want to. Air conditioners must be summer, if not it will be so exasperating that we can destroy other and our job is to stall on both the workplace and at home. Starting from the radiator to the car and the micro wave for mobile, these machines are ubiquitous. You can find hawkers connects to their cell phones, people carrying portable computers in the locomotive and ...
These machines are everywhere. Today, with computers, we can not even think about typing. I'm doing the same thing: typing on my system, while only a few years back (of course, even now I write) I only needed paper to scribble
So, what value it has to depend on the machines? Have we lost our imagination to think, because of these? It is certainly true to say that there are only disadvantages of them. We are pro-cons to everything. what makes us depends on these gadgets? They help us to finish our job in very less time, in fact, it is no exaggeration to say that it reduces our work load and it gives us more room to spend with their families and friends.
But, yes! We are more dependent and addicted to these gadgets, but much away that we thought about it. No need to bend and mop the floor while they will reduce our BMI. (More than 34% of the U.S. population is obese, a further 32.7% were obese (BMI 25 or higher, but under 30) This is in accordance with the National Center for Health Statistics, January 2009). We are so beautiful on those machines that we spend time apart to work out and tone your body.
Not only that, we all become lazy and very tired of thinking, even about small things. the other day, my friend, a doctor by profession he was punching a calculator to know how 1522 3.426?
I can not spend a few seconds on this? Not that he can calculate by yourself, but it is dictated by a machine that will not use your brain so hard for the algorithm. On the contrary, we have cell phones to communicate and keep in touch with each other. Cell phones are vital for each of these days not only for staying connected, but to alleviate tension. My friend's mother was a diabetic patient, the lower levels of sugar in it, he just called the doctor to cure your mobile learn
machines have their own significance, but all you have to do is to think how much we depend on them and if we are depending on them, whether we are giving space for themselves? Have we lost them, can not be cognitive if not available at any time. I hope it does not happen!
It's time for us to give more space for our minds and think twice - if we can be without it ?"


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