Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Fix the Xbox 360 3 Red Light Error and Red Rings of Death

Xbox 360 console today from Microsoft Corporation, which is creating a buzz in the market. Xbox 360 is an improved version of an ordinary Xbox consoles that was introduced several years ago with several options. Latest Xbox 360 comes with many new features that will satisfy most people in the world. The thing is, this gadget has been developed within short time.
This gadget is designed to play by Microsoft Corporation. These consoles are devices of high-tech devices that are even in comparison with the work PC, or they are essential hardware for the motherboard of a PC.
It is clear that the motherboard on a console can do high-speed operation at very high frequencies. Besides all these, the gadget was isolated graphics processor. These help in graphical configuration games.
trouble in the hardware
is any complaints about this on the Xbox 360 hardware defects. red lights glow on the device and it is known as red light error. the whole set up gets the entire game and continued the whole game is lost without getting saved.
Few think that these problems arise because the console gets red hot when playing for a long time. But there are complaints that the console gets red hot in a short period of time compared with other types of gaming consoles available in the market.
There are four lights in the Xbox console, which is arranged in a ring. They can glow in a green or red color. Green will be a light color when the console is in normal mode and will light red whenever there is a problem. failure types are the four numbers and one red light error, two red lights error, three red lights failure, and four red light faults.
users can solve one red light error and two red light error by yourself. However, the current problem is about three red-light failure, which could be a tougher task for users to solve, when it occurs.
The real reason
After many studies on the console device, it was found that the console is overheating due to some cooling problems. Because the heat sinks could not withstand the heat generated by the console, such as processors, graphics processor crack and stop its function.
Additional cooling system can be fixed on the console to avoid overheating of the console when he played for a long time. For this, we need to remove the X terminals of the motherboard that holds the heat sinks. This will provide sufficient cooling to the console as the atmospheric air can flow to the console from the bottom of the console.


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